How to Use Weighted Dice in D&D and Other Roleplaying Games

Weighted dice are a great way to add realism and depth to your dice-based games, whether you’re playing D&D or another tabletop roleplaying game. They’re also a lot easier to use than real dice and come with some pretty cool features.

When a roll has a crit success, it’s highlighted in green and a failure is highlighted in red. This can help players see what they’re missing when they’re rolling their dice and gives a clearer idea of the odds that they’ll hit.

You can also use the /roll command to do math-only rolls. This is useful when you’re playing with a group that doesn’t understand the mechanics of your system, or when you’re trying to automate an important process.

There are many different kinds of dice that you can use in your games, and you can customize which ones you want to use with the /roll command. In addition to regular polyhedrons, you can also use d20s, d8s and d10s, as well as exploding and dropped dice.

What’s more, you can even create your own custom types of dice with a simple formula! To do this, simply type /roll and then add a math expression.

GM Tools

One of the best things about Roll20 is its extensive suite of GM tools, which lets you control the entire game from anywhere. You can use it to track character health, keep your party safe, and more. It’s all geared toward helping you tell your story and run your campaign with the highest level of realism and detail possible.

Advanced Dice

You can also use advanced dice to label tokens, rooms and other locations. This feature is particularly handy when you’re running an online game. Toggle this option in the settings to activate it, and you can then click and drag a roll result to create a token.

Damage & Movement

The grid is a very useful tool in any DM’s toolbox, and Roll20 has it built-in. You can even make your own rules for it, which can be helpful when you’re running a session in a new location and need to know how to deal with the terrain there.

It’s also a great way to keep track of your characters’ movement, which can be crucial for a player when they’re in the middle of a fight. Just like with a map, you can click and drag the results of your roll to a token to quickly mark a room or area that they need to enter.

When you use these tools, you can even create your own unique tokens to represent different things that happen in the game. Then, you can easily label them on the map to make it easy for others to find what they’re looking for.

GM Tips

There are a lot of ways to improve your dice-based games, and there are some good rules you can follow to ensure that your players don’t cheat at the dice. The most obvious rule is that you shouldn’t load your dice or otherwise cheat at die rolls. Keeping the rules clean and fair will keep you and your players happy.